
Please remember that anyone providing help to you is a volunteer. Please show respect for their time by making your request as informative as possible, and doing as much homework as you reasonably can to try to solve the problem yourself before asking for help.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some quick things to try which might help you figure out what’s going wrong:

  • Try making the same request via the [name redacted] add-in for Excel, or in your [name redacted] workstation using the FLDS page. Make sure your fields and override fields are valid and appropriate for the securities you are requesting.
  • Check for errors in the [name redacted] API log file, located in your Windows user home directory.

Search the Mailing List Archives

Your question might have been asked and answered on the internet already. Use this custom search to search the this website, the R Sig Finance mailing list archives and other places that tend to provide useful help results.


Browse the Source

R[name redacted] is an R package, and an R package is just a bunch of files written in R, so you might find the answer to your question by just looking at the source itself. It’s worth a try. Either open up the source you have in your R installation, or grab this tar.gz file and take a look inside. The good stuff is in the R/ directory but also take a look at the unit tests in inst/runit-tests which might have some helpful examples.

Ask Nicely for Help

If all else fails, then you are welcome to ask for help. You can send a note to the R-Sig-Finance mailing list. This is an R mailing list for people with an interest in finance, not specific to R[name redacted] but there are a lot of R[name redacted] users on there. Please explain your problem clearly, and please include the output from running sessionInfo() so we know what version of R and R[name redacted] you are using.

Another option is to ask a question, submit a bug report or request a new feature by email. Look in the package for maintainer info.